前 言

    Flowing water is the pathogen of life, and it is also the lifeline of humanity. Flowing water is composed of streams of all sizes. Without water, there would be no rivers, and it is water that nurtures the human race on our planet. Without water, it would be difficult for humans to survive and all things would not thrive. For this reason, my heart forever remembers the great form, power, and subtle achievements of water. It is like this on this vast land, following the trajectory it has created, regardless of day and night, regardless of time, regardless of twists and turns and bumps, walking in a hurry, and with my rich imagination, it is imbued with twists and turns, embodying strands of flowing scales and poetry on the track of thought. Passionate and nourishing those objects, the body and soul harmoniously display the connotation of beauty, and more grazing youth and hope in the embrace of mountains and land. Thank you to the earth and flowing water, both for reaching a height of life, reaching the vast waves of the sea. In the pain process expressed by each seed, their sharpness is revealed, forming strands of whip marks and the flashy sword shadows of light dreams, an indelible legend, supporting spring and autumn like life. The desolate scene is followed by the wind, frost, snow, and rain that have evolved from shouting. How many myths and legends are intertwined with the ancient and changing times between the waves of Emperor Yu? Who is holding onto that slender rope in the wind and rain? Who is boldly singing that delicate song in the sound of the waves? The bloodstains on the footprints are baptized into vibrant and dazzling colors, expressing lines of poetry that are not afraid of wandering or loneliness. Amidst the stormy waves, I traveled through the depths of heaven for that promise. So, with the sighs of my soul and the insights of my thoughts, I sang the countless emotions given by flowing water, recounted the countless hearts nurtured by rivers, and let me sing more clearly in the embrace of water. In the imagery of water, I recounted the most simple and sincere love, stirring up the propositions of human nature and society
    Yes, it is that silently flowing river, the crystal clear liquid from the center of the earth, nurturing me and soothing all things and life on this planet, becoming many infinite forces from heaven and earth, dripping with the myriad moods that you and I feel. It also twists and turns many paths and forms from heaven and earth, becoming the source, starting point, and form of life. Through the flow and carving, it has formed a miraculous natural charm, allowing us humans to appreciate the charm of flowing water and the grandeur of ordinary and great, as if it were like a mother's milk. For this, I carry a feeling of admiration and reverence, reflecting on the river and bathing my soul.
    Every day, when I wake up from my sleep, I can always hear the familiar sound of the river water gurgling and flowing, which clarifies the beautiful feelings and wishes in my heart. It also makes me feel the power and silent appeal of the source of life in my heart. This always makes me feel like I'm lying next to that warm river, or like my body is flowing with the rapids of a river's waves. How to describe the passion and tenderness of such a river? It has existed since I was born, washing and feeding my body and mind. Even if we all disappear, it will not disappear. Instead, it silently gives everything it has to offer.
    The emotions in my heart are the silently flowing river water, bathing my soul. They are the people who witnessed this river, my maternal grandfather and grandmother. They have left this river forever, buried on the green mountains on both sides of the river, and are truly gazing at every wave of this river water. My soul is wishing, but it still flows here and continues to flow until one day it dries up, forever stirring up the most sincere feelings given by this land. The source that nurtures life and all things.
    This is an unnamed river that was only given a village name when it was close to liberation. It is difficult to find its existence on the map of northwest Guangxi because its small size cannot be marked on a large map. It flows into the Nanpan River with many dreams, which is a tiny tributary of the Nanpan River. Its source is the "Mihualing" mountain valley that the Nankun Railway Tunnel passes through. The river passes through the middle of Guangdong Street and Yuesheng Old Street where we live, forming the most simple landscape in this town with over 300 years of history, like a slender belt surrounding the town and village. Perhaps people have become accustomed to this unnamed river, just as they have become accustomed to its silence, and ultimately call it the Jiuzhou River on the northwest border.
    Yes, it's that clear and winding river that flows quietly in front of my house. The clear river water reflects the green mountains on both sides, as well as the ancient village farmhouses; On the river surface, there is a reflection of blue sky, white clouds, bamboo, and forests. Along the winding banks of the river valley, highway bridges and passing cars have been opened. The courtyards on this bank, the farmhouses on the other bank, and trees, flowers, and plants have been opened. In the evening, the villagers returning home from the fields and the plowing cows returning at dusk walked on the high bank on the other side of the small river bend. The setting sun reflected a long reflection on the water surface. This is the winding small river in my homesickness, which has truly captured the beautiful scenery and paintings of my birthplace in my life.
    It is such a vivid river that makes my childhood memories real and wonderful. You and I once grazed cows on the narrow riverbank, pulled calamus, and caught dragonflies and butterflies by the river. Chasing and playing with each other. You and I used to run and scream wildly on the riverbank, playing games, and playing hide and seek. Let the wind blow our faces with ripe apples. When we were tired, we buried our shoes in the sand pit and lay on the grass, with our coats on our heads, chatting in the grass without saying a word.
    The camera of memory is wonderful, and everyone is playing on the riverbank. However, the scorching sun still makes our mouths and tongues dry. We go to the riverbank to dig up a plant called Simaogen, whose roots are dug out from the sand and washed by the river water into a snow-white and snow-white color. The roots are very long, section by section, like miniature sugarcane. When chewed in our mouths, they are crispy and sweet. There is another unknown plant growing by the riverbank, which we call the sour tube. Its stem is red and can be eaten by peeling off the skin on it. It is sour and can quench thirst. This is a real amusement park for our young people in the mountains. Children, especially boys, who grow up by the river all like water, which seems to have nothing to do with "the benevolent enjoy the mountains, the wise enjoy the water". From studying until graduating from elementary school, in the summer, when we didn't go home after school in the evening, my friends and I made plans to come to the dock, throw down our backpacks, strip off our clothes, and smoothly jump into the small river. We played, frolicked, and went crazy playing in the water. Our favorite thing was to hold our fingers together and forcefully push the river to fight water battles. Water fights can be fought either individually or in groups. Fighting in groups can be fun. Standing in two rows with three or four people on each side, they shout "One, two, three, start." Then they push water towards each other's faces and shoot fiercely, getting closer and closer. It's almost a face-to-face battle. Without distance, unable to push, it turned into hands constantly splashing water fiercely on the face. At this moment, the weaker side couldn't open their eyes, couldn't even breathe, had no fighting power, and could only surrender. When the water battle is fierce, water splashes on the river surface, and people washing clothes by the river will splash their clothes. Seeing beautiful girls washing clothes by the river, a boy a few years older than us deliberately engaged in a water fight, making them wet and then peeking at them and laughing at their angry expressions.
    Playing in the river like this has brought us a lot of joy in life and childhood, as well as authentic childlike projects and physical and mental pleasures in the river. It has also reaped the mischievous moments of youth and enhanced childhood friendships. Of course, swimming and diving are also our regular activities, and I learned them here without spending any money. Seven or eight of us, sometimes a dozen or so, stood on the stone railings of the highway bridge, lined up in a row, jumping into the river one after another, some in popsicle style, some doing somersaults, and some doing various funny and funny actions to jump into the water, splashing one after another with towering water columns. The scene was spectacular, fun and interesting, attracting the attention of many passersby. This is one of our swimming projects.
    I remember one time, I went swimming in the river with a few river friends. At that time, there were also several girls swimming in the river. For some reason, one of my parents was a girl who ate public meals. She accused me on the spot and said, "You capitalist son, what face are you still swimming here? Hurry up and go back." I was very angry and didn't want to argue with someone as arrogant as her. Without saying anything, I picked up a small wooden stick in my hand and aimed it at her on the river. I pushed it through with great force, and the small stick was like an arrow, following along. The water rushed onto the girl who was scolding me, causing her to jump up and feel a lot of pain. She started crying loudly. When I saw it, I immediately ran to the shore and hid in the reeds. I didn't dare to go home until it was dark, When I got home, I was scolded by my mother... At that time, I also defended myself, but my mother said, "You can't ignore what she said, can't you? No matter what you say, hitting someone with wood is wrong... I still feel a bit guilty to this day.".
    Remember, some people say that where there are rivers, there are humans living, and where there are no rivers, no one settles. Some people say that walking is the river of life. How many distant and long yesterdays are there in the flowing water, and how many ignorant youths have already lost that unattainable part? Time flies, and my face gradually turns frosty. The time of wind erosion will eventually turn the settled thoughts into the fragrance of the past, and stir up the cool breeze to blow up the delicate flowing water like flowers. Or will we walk and stop with the flowing water, hoping that when the moon is full, Hou will dance lightly and sing softly to the flower rain tower in the wind in front of the flowers, singing the nostalgic song that once existed in our hearts. "Ask the rolling shutter person, but the crabapple still stands. Do you know it or not? It should be green, plump, red, and thin." Or, there is no need to approach or understand, a gentle and fragrant fragrance coexists peacefully with time, giving it a heaven and earth. Everything is formed by flowing water.
    The river is the track where I silently walk and run along my mother's footsteps. When I was a child, my mother worked as a tailor. At that time, it was usually during festivals or weddings that wedding clothes were arranged, and only when the elderly passed away did they solemnly invite tailors to sew birthday clothes. Every day at dawn, some villagers come to my house with carrying poles. They tie up their mother's sewing machine and cutting tools, and then go to the field to pick them up at home. And these people are all starting along the riverbank, not from the families or villages on both sides of the river. I remember when I was a child, I always ran along the riverbank, chasing after my mother. Unfortunately, my pace was too small, and I lost my goal in a few minutes. Let the silent longing in the heart linger in the hustle and bustle of the world, with fresh air and lovely lotus flowers, instantly soothing the tired and confused heart. A gentle breeze passes by, and wisps of fragrance gently awaken the deep home in my heart, with a long hidden sound in my heart.
    In real time, I would sit by the riverbank, waiting for my mother to play games with the children. My game; Also, if you catch a kowtow bug and place its mouth on your nails, it will keep tapping your nails with its mouth, just like kowtowing, which is extremely fun. Sometimes at noon, I saw my mother's figure appeared on the river bank from afar, and she never forgot to take some things in her hand: a few pieces of glutinous rice sugar, a few pieces of sugar cane, two pieces of rice cake, etc. These are snacks Dim sum given by the workers, and my mother would not bear to eat them.
    Rivers carry things that harbor dirt and grime, as well as cleanliness and renewal. When the sun has not yet emitted its light, when the old street is still in the sound of last night's dream, the east is slightly white. Someone carries or carries a basket to the riverbank, in which a family of old and young people change their clothes. My grandmother is the one who wakes up early. When I was a child, I slept with her. In the morning, when the rooster crowed, my grandmother put on her clothes in the mist. My grandmother always carries two baskets, one basket contains clothes that the family has changed, and the other basket contains me. In the shaky rhythm, I fell into a drowsy sleep again, until the sound of flowing water and the sound of hammers awakened me. Now, my grandmother has passed away and she has become a part of the river. Every time I hear the sound of the river flowing, I unconsciously think of her. Rivers are a necessary element of water in a person's childhood. Some people's rivers are big rivers and vast seas, some people's rivers are small streams in the mountains, and some people's rivers are ponds and ditches. It brings more uncertainty and rich connotations, giving everyone a different experience and path. In the flow of those ripples, it seems like a phonograph playing back memories
    Not bad, beautiful memories will always remain in the human brain, amidst the flowing waves... I think I was born to love water. When I was a child, I crawled out of the basket and played with sand on the shore, or threw small stones into the water. When I heard the sound of the stones falling in the water, I would laugh happily. If it caused the laundry people nearby to scold me kindly, I would do it even more vigorously until they swung their clubs and splashed the river water onto me. The cold river water splashed on my face and neck, making it itchy and crispy. However, I couldn't help but take off my shoes and wade into the water. At this moment, my grandmother was afraid that I would run into the deep water, so she grabbed me and caught a dragonfly or a grasshopper for me to play with on my own. These lively little creatures will temporarily divert my attention from water.
    People immerse themselves in the world of mortals, immersed in flowing water, with a good heart but similar to the outside world. The ultimate feeling is that we humans cannot do without water. Accompanied by flowing water, why not let us simply search for a ray of true love and fragrance, and quietly place the unfolding thoughts. Then, following the fragrance of time, we listen to the most genuine "bang bang" desires in our hearts. The faint fragrance lingers between our lips and teeth, winding and murmuring, making all the memories of heaven fill our chests vividly. The wind covers the agarwood, and the gaze flows, illuminating the past. Holding a handful of clear water, humming a song, taking a sip of turbid wine, flowers bloom and fall, and people leave and return. But those old times that we rely on and accompany each other can only be said softly, "Don't come safe." How much reluctance did the Flower Rain Tower in the wind have, and did you ever know? The restless emotions instantly transformed the flowing water into a lotus, listening carefully to the lotus's babbling, silently feeling the lotus's whispers, and the heart blooming like a lotus flower.
    The ultimate exclamation of the human heart is due to attachment to water. More often than not, rivers are a regional symbol, and a river should be maternal, right? Just like our bloodline, stretching in our father's veins, yet nurturing in our mother's body. Water silently nurtures all things and thrives endlessly. We all know that the water intake ceremony held during the annual Water Splashing Festival in Xishuangbanna showcases the gratitude of the Dai people towards the Lancang River, as well as the traditional virtues of loving, cherishing, and respecting water. In my hometown, after the passing of an elderly woman, there is a ritual before burial: to fetch water. Family members follow the footsteps of their old friends, walking through the field paths she once walked on, all the way to the upper reaches of the rivers she often walked on. They take a bowl of water and wash the water they retrieve during the day into Su Mu. The filial son drinks it in order of age, and the taste is unbearable. This is a testament to the filial son and grandson's redemption for the deceased.
    Drizzle falls, letting my mind collect an umbrella in flowing water. I let those drizzles kiss my face and walk through the fields, intoxicated by the beautiful summer lotus's graceful shadow in the rain. I feel the smoothness of my mind, the drifting of the picture, and the clarity of my heart. "The wind on the surface of the pond is rippling, with leaves and fields exposed between the waves. Who is wearing a green cover on the water surface, covered in red makeup, singing about picking lotus?" My thoughts and reflections are that water has the language of water, and waves also have the thoughts of waves. Who weaved a picturesque longing for her, making her sway in the water every day, silently fragrant? Who implanted her with a gentle and gentle breeze, making her shine like water in this life with all kinds of charm? In the scorching summer, with gentle winds and drizzle, who weaves layers of thoughts into tiny raindrops, like light strokes, and inhabits the flower heart? In the misty dreams condensed in time and space, they gently brush the lotus pond, sending wisps of fragrance. With the giving of this lotus, will the Zen sound of this lotus really suddenly be heard in the thought of time?
    There is an artificial pond next to the upper reaches of the riverbank, where I often go to play. It has changed now, and I have witnessed the "red stamens in the rain are charming, flowers are shy and cover my clothes." Standing in this summer lotus pond, I am gracefully enchanted by the lotus. A bouquet of incense, a faint stroke, I don't know whether it's in the wind or in the rain. But the soft expectations in my heart, the faint fragrance of mist, are intertwined, and the peaks of high mountains and flowing water are constantly searching for the traces of waiting for rain for some unknown reason. The scene is floating, but unfortunately, a gentle breeze accompanied by light rain comes slowly. Pink flowers accompany the blue lotus, which drags its skirt and sways gracefully. Rise up, take a small boat, hold an umbrella, sway slightly over the clear water, push open layers of ripples, get up close to the lotus fairy swaying in the rain, and listen to the lotus leaves rustling lightly in the rain.
    Yes, the river in my heart is located in the misty scenery of wind and dust, with gentle water waves and misty rain. The thousand lotus umbrellas standing in the pond are shrouded in greenery under raindrops, and the wrist flowers are filled with enchanting beauty everywhere. The flowers on both sides bloom with fragrance, beautiful and warm to the heart. This fragrant soul that fills the face makes people intoxicated and intoxicated. They can't help but feel happy and ask themselves, it's like - who is so deeply attached to lotus flowers playing in the rain? Who is wandering around the lotus in the water, getting drunk and looking at the mortal world? Half is meaning, half is rhyme. Is it a growing concern for Lian'er? Who is I? I have long been a lotus in the world. When we meet, without saying a word, a hibiscus shines with the summer rain, the call of dreams, the conversion of souls, and the lush greenery in my heart. In that moment, it becomes forever... Jiuzhou was originally a small town with mountains and waters, surrounded by winding hills and lush mountains. The small river flows through the town, and the two rivers intersect in a "cross shaped" shape. The main road has moved northwest and no longer passes through the town, achieving the tranquility and tranquility that the town has gained.
    What is even more touching is the small river. Although cement walkways were built on both sides of the river, some trees, flowers, and plants that were obviously not carefully managed were planted. When I looked at the water surface of the small river, I couldn't help but be surprised. To be honest, it was so surprising that I was disappointed. Due to the blockage of silt and garbage, the river remains narrow and the water is shallow and somewhat turbid. Construction waste and household waste are directly dumped by the small river, and in some areas, due to too much garbage, a very unpleasant odor is emitted. Is this the small river in my hometown, the water park I used to have when I was a child? Where has the once drinkable bay of clear and pure water gone now? The current small river, not to mention drinking, is dirty even when washing clothes and hands.
    Yes, the town has already installed tap water, and people don't have to go to the small river to fetch water at dawn like they did in the 1970s. With tap water, can we not protect our mother river well? If this continues, the small river in my hometown will no longer flow. It won't be long before it turns into a foul smelling ditch. I am deeply worried about this.
    The small river of my hometown, decades ago I used to have some regrets and sadness towards you. You know, this is a different kind of love, still deeply loved. When can I still see your clear and pure bay of blue water in the old state river of Guixi?! In recent years, the lives of ordinary people have improved, and beautiful small western-style buildings are being built one after another. If the town could have carefully planned and built some service facilities, put more effort into greening and beautification, rectify the dirty and disorderly areas, and manage the small river well, it would have been possible to retain the clear and clean bay of blue water. If people lived in the mountains and rivers, they would have both the pastoral scenery to enjoy and the modern urban lifestyle to enjoy.